CARI is a Unit of ICAR, New Delhi. ICAR follows GOI rules mutatis mutandis, besides Agricultural Research Service rules, Technical Service Rules specially designed for Scientists and Technical personnel in ICAR. The institute follows the rules, regulation, and instructions as followed by ICAR, and as indicated in the manuals and records of ICAR, New Delhi. Some of the rules used are given below.
- Establishment & Administration Manual
- Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules (General Rules)
- Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules (Traveling Allowance Rules)
- Fundamental Rules & Supplementary Rules (Leave Rules)
- General Financial Rules
- Delegation of Financial Powers Rules
- Pension Rules
- Seniority & Promotion Rules
- Manual of Office Procedure/Audit Manual of ICAR
- Conduct Rules
- House Building Rules
- CCS (CCA) Rules
- Brochure on Verification of Character & Antecedents
- Instructions, guidelines, Circulars etc. issued by the GOI/Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Finance, ICAR etc. from time to time.
- Rules and Bye-laws of the ICAR Society (
- Delegation of Powers (
- ARS Rules
- Handbook on Technical Service Rules (
- Recruitment Rules framed for different posts in ICAR
- Seniority Lists in respect of various cadres / posts
- ACRs / Assessment Reports of employees