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Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Section

       The erstwhile Planning, Monitoring and Coordination Section was renamed as Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Section on June 27, 2007 and again renamed as Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation Section w.e.f. 1.12.2010. The PME Section reviews, scrutinizes the research project proposals and coordinates activities within and outside the Institute. This section serves as an effective linkage between the Institute and Council (ICAR), Government and Private Organizations. It provides information on various research, training and extension activities of the Institute to the Council, Government and Non-Government organizations. The major activities of this section are:

  1. Prioritization/planning, monitoring and review of the research programmes /proposals including maintenance of RPFs, evaluation of project reports,preparation of various reports and related documents.
  2. Central hub for coordinating and providing information on various research, training and extension activities of the institute to various government, semi - government, public and private agencies, besides serving as coordinating link between the Institute and the Council.
  3. Preparation of Plan documents/budgets, reply to Parliamentary questions and responses to various court cases involving institute, etc.

Regular Activities

  • Regular submission of reports, namely, Quarterly Performance Review, Scientists Half Yearly Report and Monthly Cabinet Reports to the Council.
  • Reply to parliament questions.
  • Disposal of RTI requests as PIO (Scientific Matters) and filing of quarterly, half yearly and annual information reports to the Council.
  • Preparation of ATRs on recommendations/proceedings of Directors’ Conferences, SMD and Regional Committee Meetings, etc.
  • Maintenance of RPFs and publications records, etc.

Major Accomplishments

  • IRC meeting conducted during July 11-07, 2016, for main center.
  • Prepared and published CARI Perspective Plan – Vision 2050 document.
  • Institute’s Citizen/Clients’ Charter prepared adopted/ publicized.
  • Contribution to DARE-ICAR Annual report 2016.
  • Draft EFC Proposal for 2017-18to 2019- 20 submitted to the Council.
  • ISO-9001:2008 obtained.

Faculty Profile

S.No. Name Status
1. Dr. Sandeep Saran Head & Principal Scientist

This is the official website of ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute (ICAR-CARI), Izatnagar, an institute under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India. Website developed and maintained by Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU), CARI, Izatnagar.