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Poultry Economics and Agribusiness Research

     Realizing the need and importance of research in the field of poultry economics and marketing, an independent section of Poultry Economics and Agribusiness Research at the Institute was created on April 4, 2012 in pursuance of the recommendations of successive QRTs particularly, the QRT 2003-2009 as approved by the Council.


  • Economic evaluation of poultry production and processing technologies.
  • Analysis of poultry farming businesses to evaluate their economic viability and sustainability.
  • Studies on poultry value chains, marketing and finance to boost poultry sector.
  • Policy planning and analysis vis-a-vis emerging threats and opportunities concerning poultry sector including international trade.

Research Activities & Achievements

  • Supply Response Analysis of Maize and Soybean as Major Agro-Ingredients of Poultry Feed in India: The project aimed at identification of potential growth areas for the two major feed ingredients, their supply response behaviour to price and non-price factors such as production and market risks, irrigation base, rainfall pattern, cost and returns from substitute crops, poultry population etc. Estimation of production elasticises with respect to these factors and decomposition analysis to find out area, yield and area-yield interaction affects on production of these crops were also carried out. The potential states for major poultry feed ingredients viz. maize and soybean were identified based on the estimated coefficients, and compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) in area, production and productivity. In almost all the maize producing states, risk variables played a key role in acreage allocation decisions of the farmers. The variability in yield, prices and their effect on gross returns was major impediment restricting acreage under maize. The negative A-Y interaction affects in Bihar, Punjab, UP, Karnataka & Rajasthan indicate that maize has been shifted to marginal lands. The growth in soybean production in India was observed to be primarily due to increase in acreage under the crop. Poultry population and percentage irrigated area in the major soybean producing states and in the country as a whole were identified as driving forces for increasing soybean acreage.

  • Consumers' Preferences and Marketing of Poultry Products in North India: The consumers' preferences and marketing of poultry products in North India was studied by comparing marketing channels for packaged and unpackaged poultry products in terms of marketing cost, margins and price spread; identifying consumer preferences for packaged and unpackaged poultry products and their value added products; and techno-economic and marketing constraints in promotion of packaged poultry products in elite and sub-urban/ rural markets.

  • Development of Project Formulation Software for Poultry: MS-Windows® based computer software was developed to formulate projects for establishment of commercial layer & broiler farms. The software has been tested and works satisfactorily on Windows® platform. This has been utilized for preparing project reports for setting up poultry production and allied units to prospective poultry farmers/ entrepreneurs seeking institutional/ financial support under various schemes of Central/ States Governments as well as self-financed poultry businesses.

  • Economic Analysis of Poultry Production and Marketing in India- an Inter-Regional Analysis: The project aimed at identifying potential growth areas for poultry production on the basis of compound annual growth rates and productivity trends in various states, apart from long term trends, cyclic and seasonal movements in prices of eggs and poultry meat across 13 major wholesale markets in the country. Co-integration analysis was carried out to examine whether the poultry egg markets across the country were co-integrated and whether egg prices in these markets were simultaneously determined. The long term movements in egg and meat prices vis-à-vis other commodities and commodity groups were also analyzed in this project.

  • International Poultry Trade and Export Opportunities for Indian Poultry Sector: The international trade pattern of the poultry exports/imports was studied for major importing/exporting countries with a view to explore export opportunities for Indian Poultry Sector as also to identify the important non-tariff barriers to trade.

  • Small Farm Rural Poultry Production: The project aimed at (i) identifying and testing the poultry strains suitable for backyard production system in arid zones of the country, (ii) recommending suitable package of practices including formulation of low cost feed supplements based on locally available feed resources in rural areas, (iii) identifying constraints in adoption of technology and its sustainability, as also to carry out impact assessment in terms of income and employment generation, house hold nutritional security and empowerment of women folk in the villages. The project, in nutshell, aimed at developing avenues for rural livelihood/ nutritional security for the resource poor. The project was accorded excellent rating by the Scientific Advisory Panel constituted to monitor the progress of the project and its achievements.

  • Study on institutional credit support to poultry farming in Uttar Pradesh: Financial institutions exhibited lack of interest to finance poultry farming ventures. The most important inhibiting factor amongst bankers was perception of high risk involvement in poultry farming primarily due to diseases (particularly AI) followed by moral hazard and lack of availability of insurance for poultry birds. From the poultry entrepreneurs view point, the most limiting factor in availing institutional finance was lack of collateral security or credit worthiness especially for those engaged in small poultry business. Lack of awareness about various schemes run by state Govt. or other Govt. departments to promote poultry farming activities was yet another important constraint in promoting poultry entrepreneurship.  It was observed that Institutional finance was more readily available for expanding the pre-existing poultry businesses rather than starting a new poultry venture.

  • Hazard analysis of poultry waste and techno-economic evaluation of its alternative uses:The projects aimed at estimation of poultry waste generation in India, analysis of growth pattern and its future projections includingeconomic evaluation of alternative uses of poultry waste though processing and value addition.

  • Poultry Entrepreneurship Development Initiative –The Agri Business Incubator: The Agribusiness Incubation (ABI) project at a total cost of Rs. 79.15 lakh has been sanctioned by the Council on 1.1.2016. The project aims at transforming sound business ideas and innovations into successful business enterprises, commercialization of poultry production and processing technologies developed by CARI and human resource development for enabling entrepreneurs to take up poultry and allied businesses. Anyone interested in establishing poultry and allied businesses can join the Incubator for nurturing the business idea with the technical help of the scientists the Institute.

Teachnig Activity

  • Agricultural and Livestock Finance (LEC 513 & 514)
  • Econometrics (LEC 507&508)
  • Production and Resource Economics- II (LEC 509&510)
  • Macro Economics (LEC 502)
  • Agricultural and Livestock Project analysis (LEC 601)

Consultancy Services

Consultancy services are provided on poultry production, processing and marketing to poultry farmers / processors /entrepreneurs and other stakeholders belonging to both public and private sectors.

Faculty Profile

S.No. Name Status
1. Dr. Sandeep Saran Head & Principal Scientist

This is the official website of ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute (ICAR-CARI), Izatnagar, an institute under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India. Website developed and maintained by Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU), CARI, Izatnagar.