1. Historical Perspective
Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) was established on Nov. 2, 1979 with the objective of providing all round support to the then budding Indian Poultry Sector. During the V Plan, the erstwhile AICRP on Poultry Breeding , initiated at CARI, Izatnagar was separated from the Institute to establish Directorate of Poultry Research at Hyderabad. The mandate of the Institute was revised in IX Plan and aimed at promoting and popularizing diversified poultry species such as ducks, Japanese quails, turkey, Guinea fowl apart from desi fowl and broiler and layer chicken in the country. The present mandate of the Institute is as follows.
• Basic and applied research on productivity enhancement for sustainable production in diverse avian species including domestic fowl.
• Human resource development and capacity building.
Thus, the CARI is the only institute exclusively devoted to R&D on diverse poultry species apart from chicken, with special reference to backyard poultry.
The primary focus of the research in the Institute has been towards the application genetic principles and molecular techniques for enhancing productivity of various poultry species, exploring newer feed stuffs and evolving technologies for better feed utilization efficiency in poultry, understanding and tweaking physiological processes aimed at reducing various kinds of stresses in poultry species, developing sound management practices for better productivity along with development of processing technologies for shelf life extension and value addition. Business incubation services for poultry entrepreneurship development are also being provided based on technologies developed by the Institute.
The germplasm of the diversified poultry species namely, Japanese quail, turkey, Guinea fowl and ducks apart from improved native fowls, along with the soft technologies developed by the Institute leading to better management, higher productivity, cost saving and assured product quality have contributed towards attainment of the following SDGs.